About Polarity Therapy

According to polarity therapy, our physical, psychological and spiritual well-being depends on the free and uninterrupted flow of 'life energy' around the body. This energy, which is comparable to 'chi' in Traditional Chinese Medicine and 'prana' in Ayurveda, is said to move in currents between a positive and negative pole. Disruption in this flow is thought to lead to pain and illness, and practitioners use bodywork, diet, exercise and self-awareness counselling to restore or rebalance the flow so that the body can heal itself naturally.

Polarity therapy is a comprehensive health system that was founded in the mid-20th century by Dr Randolph Stone, an Austrian-born naturopath, osteopath and chiropractor who practised in the US. Stone's research into Eastern and Western concepts of health convinced him that the human energy field is affected by touch, nutrition, movement, sound, attitudes, relationships, life experience, trauma and environmental factors. He also pioneered many of the techniques of craniosacral therapy that were later developed by osteopathic physician and clinical researcher and John Upledger.

How does it work?

The body is regarded as a system of electromagnetic energy fields in which the pull of opposing positive and negative poles keeps 'life energy' in constant motion through a neutral field.

The head and right side of the body represents the positive pole and the feet and left side the negative pole. The centre of the body, along the spinal cord, is neutral and contains five 'energy centres' that correspond to the chakras of Ayurvedic medicine.

Polarity therapy claims to work on many different levels, influencing the nervous, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, gynaecological and digestive systems, as well as mental and emotional health. It is also said to operate at an 'etheric' or 'subtle' level of energy to enhance spiritual well-being.

Polarity Therapy Plus is a holistic healing system that works with the human energy field. Polarity Therapy is based on the balancing of your body's life energy which is affected by thoughts, emotions and the physical environment. Polarity resolves health problems that are caused by imbalances in these areas. Polarity Therapy Plus addresses these concerns through a unique integration of modalities which include:

• reflexology
• acupressure
• ayurveda
• craniosacral balancing
• nutritional guidance
• verbal counseling

How would you like to experience?

• increased vitality
• mental clarity
• the ability to handle stress
• freedom from physical symptoms
• personal and spiritual growth
• your innate sense of well being Individualized sessions:

Every person is unique. We will work together to tailor your sessions to your specific needs.

What is it good for?

Polarity therapy is said to be particularly helpful for migraine, pregnancy and post-natal care, PMS and menopausal problems, stress, allergies, digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, back pain, arthritis and fatigue (including chronic fatigue syndrome). .

What to expect at a practitioner's

A session usually lasts 60-90 minutes and begins with questions about your medical history and lifestyle. You are then asked to lie clothed on a couch for a polarity assessment.

The practitioner moves his or her hands around your head, down towards your feet, up the body over the five energy centres and finishes back at the head.

Touch may be light (neutral) to restore body awareness and balance; medium (positive) to stimulate energy by stroking, moulding and rocking the body; and firm (negative), which uses deep-tissue manipulation to release 'blocked' energy.

The results of polarity therapy sessions can vary from profound relaxation to emotional outbursts of anger or grief as areas of stagnation are cleared.

You may be given stretching exercises to perform at home and a health-building, cleansing diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables. If the practitioner feels that negative thought patterns are a factor, counselling techniques may increase self-awareness and the emergence of your own inherent 'knowing' can help you realise your potential.


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